Walking groups

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Walking Groups

Social walking is a good way to meet new people, keep up with friends, and helps with making walking a regular part of your routine. There are many walking groups that are meant for different people and different levels of walking.

Old men walking in countryside

Paths for all

Paths for All are a Scottish charity which aims to promote daily activity through walking. Their website includes a useful tool which maps out a database of social and health walks.

Visit their map here to find a group walk that’s right for you.

Nature 4 health

Nature 4 Health aims to help people connect with nature, each other and themselves. Experience the mindful benefits of green and blue space and the fascinating species we share the planet with.

Nature Walks for Wellbeing are held weekly and often include additional activities such as art, storytelling, poetry, nature tracking and wildlife watching.

Clarity Walks

Clarity Walks is a social enterprise with a focus on improving mental wellbeing through their various digital detox programs. These are social walks where participants are encouraged to switch off their phones and focus on being in nature and connecting with other walkers.

Aside from their community walks, Clarity Walks run specific programs for children and walks for men. They also do larger hikes for those looking for something more challenging.

Inverness Ramblers

The Inverness Ramblers group host walks weekly, usually on Saturday or Sunday. They do walks for various ability levels, these are clearly graded so walkers know what to expect. This is great for beginner walkers looking to try new, perhaps more challenging, routes in a social environment.

Find out where and when upcoming walks are taking place, as well as grading, on the Inverness group’s website. They welcome new walkers for up to 3 walks before expecting membership, so you can go along and see if this group is right for you.

Community involvement

Volunteering with community groups is an extra way of boosting your activity while also having a positive impact in your local area. Here are a few examples of good causes that you can support while getting out and active.

Incredible edibles

This project aims to make positive use of patches of green space around the city to grow crops that can then be harvested and used by anyone.
If you’d like to get involved you can find them on  Facebook.

Culduthel Community Woods

This area of urban woodland was successfully brought under community ownership in 2022. The Culduthel Woods Group manages and maintains the land, in part through regular volunteering sessions.

Merkinch Local Nature Reserve

MLNR is a hidden gem of Inverness where people can experience nature on their doorstep. The reserve is maintained on behalf of the community by Friends of Merkinch Nature Reserve.
Find out more about activities on the reserve and how you can volunteer on their Facebook group.